Ministry of East African Community Affairs Procurement Plan for 2024-2025

No # Group/Category Estimated Amount in UGX:
1 Advertising 56,000,000.00
2 Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials 60,000,000.00
3 Branding of Corporate and Promotional Items 7,400,000.00
4 Workshops and Seminars 236,000,000.00
5 Advertising and media services 181,000,000.00
6 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding 358,400,000.00
7 General Project monitoring and evaluation 91,500,000.00
8 Equipment Maintenance, Servicing and Repairs 74,000,000.00
9 ICT Hardware and Software Solutions 92,914,723.00
10 Books, Periodicals & Newspapers 28,512,000.00
11 Toners and Cartridges 42,000,000.00
12 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 8,000,000.00
13 Postage and Courier 14,400,000.00
14 Cleaning Expenses 36,000,000.00
15 Office Rent 1,868,447,000.00
16 Motor vehicle,motorcycle repair and maintanance 376,000,000.00
17 Entertainment services 120,000,000.00
TOTAL UGX: 3,650,573,723.00