Request for Quotation Notice
No # | Procurement Ref Number | Subject of Procurement |
1 | MEMD/CONS/2024-2025/00005 | Feasibility studies or screening of project ideas - Consultancy services for the development of a strategy to support the distribution of LPG cylinders manufactured and filled by Global Gases |
Dear All Supplier
e-GP Platform - Invitation to Bid: Consultancy Feasibility studies or screening of project ideas - Consultancy services for the development of a strategy to support the distribution of LPG cylinders manufactured and filled by Global Gases Group You have been invited by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development to submit a bid for an opportunity. Instructions for using e-GP can be found at by clicking on the 'User Guides' link at the top of the homepage Please ensure you read these instructions before downloading any tender documentation or submitting a bid. by clicking on the 'User Guides' link at the top of the homepage Please ensure you read these instructions before downloading any tender documentation or submitting a bid. It you require further assistance at any stage, click on the 'Contact Us' link at the top of the homepage IMPORTANT: All actions within e-GP will be recorded for auditing purposes. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed If you have received this email in error please notify the EGP manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail If you have received this e-mail by mistake delete this email from your system It you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Please do not reply to this mail