1 |
General Stationery |
6,000,000.00 |
2 |
Computer programming and software development |
4,000,000,000.00 |
3 |
Surveying, valuation and property management |
800,000,000.00 |
4 |
ICT Hardware and Software Solutions |
831,802,400.00 |
5 |
Hotels and lodging and meeting facilities |
470,000,000.00 |
6 |
Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding |
584,780,000.00 |
7 |
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts |
2,795,000,000.00 |
8 |
Office equipment, stationery and consumables |
296,092,250.00 |
9 |
Workshops and Seminars |
4,248,529,279.00 |
10 |
Office Furniture |
5,000,000.00 |
11 |
Toners and Cartridges |
204,000,000.00 |
12 |
Motor vehicle,motorcycle repair and maintanance |
200,000,000.00 |
13 |
Planning and Budgeting |
100,000,000.00 |
14 |
Advertsing and media services |
100,000,000.00 |
15 |
85,206,000.00 |
16 |
Consumer electronics, communication equipment, computers, computer software and consumables and optical products |
79,000,000.00 |
17 |
50,000,000.00 |
18 |
Insurance Services |
10,000,000.00 |
19 |
Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, machinery, office tools and equipment |
32,000,000.00 |
20 |
Business and Management consultancy |
8,895,000,000.00 |
21 |
Consultancy, Monitoring and Evaluation Surveys (Health, Water and Environment) |
450,000,000.00 |
22 |
Books, Periodicals & Newspapers |
17,200,000.00 |
23 |
Other - Professional Services |
680,820,136.00 |
24 |
Advertising and media services |
1,372,800,000.00 |
25 |
Construction of roads and bridges |
27,835,349,499.00 |
26 |
Information Technology Service Delivery |
30,000,000.00 |
27 |
Building and facility maintenance and repair services |
5,000,000.00 |
28 |
Construction of water projects |
6,970,326,794.00 |
29 |
Heavy construction machinery and equipment |
1,500,000,000.00 |
30 |
Agricultural Inputs, Equipment and Seedlings |
1,700,000,000.00 |
31 |
Transportation repair or maintenance services |
319,000,000.00 |
32 |
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments |
600,000,000.00 |
33 |
Tyres, tubes and batteries |
205,000,000.00 |
34 |
Collectibles and awards |
18,900,000.00 |
35 |
Death and dying support services |
20,000,000.00 |
36 |
Staff Funeral Grant |
200,000,000.00 |
37 |
Property Management System maintenance |
130,000,000.00 |
38 |
Cleaning and janitorial services |
400,000,000.00 |
39 |
Catering Services |
200,000,000.00 |
40 |
Staff Training General |
250,000,000.00 |
41 |
Office furniture and furnishings |
50,000,000.00 |