Ministry of Public Service Procurement Plan for 2024-2025

No # Group/Category Estimated Amount in UGX:
1 General Stationery 429,000,000.00
2 Printing, Stationery, Photocopying and Binding 26,660,000.00
3 Workshops and Seminars 241,600,000.00
4 ICT Hardware and Software Solutions 50,000,000.00
5 Computer Equipment and Accessories 118,000,000.00
6 Management advisory services 160,000,000.00
7 Advertsing and media services 40,500,000.00
8 Exterior property cleaning and maintenance 288,000,000.00
9 Building and facility maintenance and repair services 580,000,000.00
10 Equipment Maintenance, Servicing and Repairs 112,187,008.00
11 Motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles and spare parts 240,000,000.00
12 IT equipment 230,000,000.00
13 FURNITURE & FITTINGS 162,000,000.00
14 Insurance Services 100,000,000.00
15 Death and dying support services 50,000,000.00
16 Accountability systems and Compliance in Budget execution 1,241,558,760.00
17 Catering services 13,440,000.00
18 Subscriptions 1,400,000.00
19 Research, Training and capacity building services 300,000,000.00
20 Staff Training General 80,000,000.00
21 Catering Services 132,465,288.00
22 Branded items- (Staff & External) 11,800,000.00
TOTAL UGX: 4,608,611,056.00